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Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

Achievement Chiropractic Empowering You To Get More Out Of Life
711 Devon Ave, Ste 202
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 823-9000
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Holiday Blues?


Shortly after beginning to play Christmas music in the office I noticed a few interesting phenomena. Besides the barrage of ads from Big PHARMA (see previous post), a practice member jokingly replaced the lyrics of a popular Christmas song with gallows humor about depression. Humor is sometimes the best way to express uncomfortable truths, so I took this opportunity to see if I could help.

Many people have complex relationships with this time of year. On one hand we see the pretty lights and decorations and feel the excitement of the season, but, on the other, unpleasant feelings can arise unique to each individual. Feelings such as sadness and intense nostalgia can be triggered by music which can bring us back to a time long ago experienced.

If they arise, and we are lucky enough to be aware of when this is happening, it is a good time to use this signal for our benefit. It is a time for intense presence if we want to give ourselves the best chance to let these feelings go. The key is to, without resistance, observe what is arising, allow it to be there, and forgive. Forgive yourself for having the feelings, for being affected by them, and even for judging that they are bad. Let go and let God take care of any pain or discomfort you sense arising in the present moment about the past.

"Be still and know that I am God", said the psalmist. (46:10)

Next time you experience a wave of depression or resistance to what is arising in the present moment, take a moment and try the above. Let me know what you experience!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Steven A. Sciame

P.S. Tonal chiropractic can help you more efficiently release old unpleasant patterns that are stuck in the body and mind, so let's work together to help you experience the best version of yourself.

keywords: Holiday Blues, depression, healing, awareness, God